Articles techniques de Jean-Yves Girard

Wo, clef de voûte logique, Juin 2024

Transcendental syntax IV : logic without systems, March 2020

Transcendental syntax III: equality, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2016

Transcendental syntax II: non deterministic case, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 2016

Transcendental syntax I: deterministic case, Mathematical methods in computer science, 2015

Normativity in logic, Epistemology vs. Ontology, Springer Verlag, 2012.

Geometry of interaction V : logic in the hyperfinite factor, Theoretical Computer Science 412, pp. 1860-1883, 2011.

Le fantôme de la transparence (Décembre 2007). Texte plutôt technique, à ne pas confondre avec l'exposé à l'ENS Lyon, encore moins avec le livre paru en Septembre 2016 aux éditions Allia.

The phantom of transparency (english translation of the previous).

Truth, modality and intersubjectivity, manuscript, January 2007.

Geometry of interaction IV : the Feedback Equation, Logic Colloquium 2003, Association for Symbolic Logic, 2006.

From foundations to ludics, Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, 9.2, June 2003.

Between logic and quantic : a tract, Linear logic in computer science, Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Locus Solum, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 11, pp. 301-506, 2001.

Du pourquoi au comment : la théorie de la démonstration de 1950 à nos jours, Les mathématiques 1950-2000, pp. 515-545, Birkhauser, 2000.

On the meaning of logical rules II~: multiplicatives and additives, Foundation of Secure Computation, pp. 183-212, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2000.

On the meaning of logical rules I~: syntax vs. semantics, Computational Logic, pp. 215-272, SV, Heidelberg, 1999.

Du pourquoi au comment : la théorie de la démonstration, du programme de Hilbert à la logique linéaire, Leçons de mathématiques d'aujourd'hui, éditions Cassini, 2003.

On denotational completeness,Theoretical Computer Science 227, pp. 249-273, 1999.

Coherent Banach Spaces : a continuous denotational semantics, Theoretical Computer Science 227, pp. 275-297, 1999.

Proof-nets : the parallel syntax for proof-theory, Logic and Algebra, Marcel Dekker, New York 1996.

Light Linear Logic, Information and Computation 143, 1998.

Geometry of Interaction III : accommodating the additives, Advances in Linear Logic, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 222, Cambridge University Press. 1995.

Linear Logic, its syntax and semantics, Advances in Linear Logic, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series 222, Cambridge University Press 1995.

Linear Logic, Theoretical Computer Science, 50:1, pp. 1-102, 1987. Restored by Pierre Boudes.

Interprétation fonctionnelle et élimination des coupures dans l'arithmétique d'ordre supérieur, Thèse d'État, Université Paris VII, Juin 1972.